


The flagship Pokémon, and the cutest electrical engineer in the world, is probably one of the strongest characters in Super Smash Bros. Not only is the little guy fast, but he is an expert jumper whose Electrical Attack works at a distance. When Pikachu calls down the thunder, stay back or you'll be in for a real shock


Pikachu's arms aren't very powerful, so head-butt his enemies with the A Button.

Pikachu's bolt of energy hops across the platform until it finds an opponent to shock.

This little jump lets Pikachu pass through platforms.

You wouldn't think he had it in him, but Pikachu is strong enough to throw his opposition out of the ring.

If opponents are directly above you or at least close by, call upon the thunder to knock them down.

Pikachu Battle Zone:

  Saffron City

This Pokémon city is extremely treacherous, so select a character with excellent jumping skills. Narrow crevices positioned between small platforms make it difficult to avoid falling. Random Pokémon pop out of the rooftop at timed intervals, and they will indiscriminately attack anyone in their way. It's best to proceed cautiously in these mean streets


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